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This is a variant of the zombies appearing in Resident Evil 6. As with the Whopper, these undead creatures are a unique mutation of the zombies. They have so far been found by Leon, Helena, Ada throughout Tall Oaks.


This type of zombie is very similar to others in that they exhibit the same type of dead grey flesh. Like other zombies, their skin shows signs of being easily bruised and damaged though it is unknown currently if their entire body is as fragile as the typical zombie. Like all the zombies created from the C-Virus, their mobility does not seem to be as degraded as some previous incarnations. They are capable of walking and running relatively unhindered.

The most notable thing about these creatures is the large tumor-like growth that protrudes from a hole in the center of their chest. This growth seems to pulsate as it glows a bright red-orange color. Because of this growth, the neck of the creature is considerably longer to accommodate the sheer size of the organs. It is capable of producing a loud, ear-piercing scream that causes the growth to pulsate more rapidly and briefly deflate slightly as it loses its glowing color.


The screamer as it seems to be regenerating its ruptured lungs.

It is likely that this growth is in fact the lungs of the creature after being vastly mutated. These lungs are very sensitive, easily ruptured by gunfire. When the lungs are destroyed, the gaping hole on its upper torso is revealed.The creature is still able to utilize part of its respiratory system. The connection of thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, trachea, carina of trachea, and main bronchi is visible through the gap, and seems to be utilized in producing another scream as it begins to regenerate its ruptured lungs.

According to an in-game file, the Shrieker's mutated vocal chords produces a sound that C-Virus Zombies react to; its stimulation of the aural portion of their brain and their nervous systems both summons zombies to the Shrieker's position and stimulates them, making them more violent. However, if the sound is disrupted (by destroying the throat-sac), then it changes to a higher pitch that the zombies cannot bear, destroying their brains by "burning out" the portion of their brain that registers aural input.


Little is known about this creature so far. It seems to move past any of its zombie brethren to get closer to its target, unlike other variations that simply bump into each other as they shamble forward. Once in range, it will use its mutated lungs to produce a scream that is easily capable of stunning its prey. As it is still a form of zombie, it still craves to eat flesh as seen when first encountered by Leon and Helena, feasting upon a human in the streets of Tall Oaks.


A screamer seems to be the most likely to attempt to reach a player, slipping past any other enemies to close in and stun the player with its scream. The lung sac that causes its ability can easily be ruptured with gunfire, causing it to fall to its knees. However, with the trachea still in tact it is able to let out another scream and even regenerate its lungs. Thus, once the lungs are ruptured it is highly advisable to keep fire on the screamer until it is dead to avoid the regeneration or being stunned again. If a downed player is killed by this variant, the screamer will stand directly over the player and scream loudly as they thrash around until they are dead.

When the screamer is attacked, it will quickly run away from the player, trying to avoid certain death. When the player shoots his glowing and exposed lungsacs, it will fall down to its knees and preform one final scream, emitted from its exposed vocal chords. This final scream will damage players if nearby and will immediately kill any surrounding zombies. A single well-placed shot from a sniper rifle or a shotgun is enough to blast the creature's exposed lungs.

