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King's Fountain
(King Fountain BIO HAZARD2 mythos)

BIO HAZARD 2 VOL.29 (Chinese: 生化危機2 VOL.29; Yale: sāngfangàihgēi 2 VOL.29) is the twenty-ninth volume of a sixty-part manhua series published by the Hong Konger King's Fountain, and officially-licensed by Capcom.[1]


"This was a bustling island. Since the UMBRELLA GROUP invasion, it has become gloomy...... This international pharmaceutical company for many years has been engaged in terrorism; murder and private selling of biochemical weapons in the war industry...... LEON it is one of the victims; his father was murdered by the UMBRELLA Group...... But now LEON's father was actually reproduced in the world, and is the UMBRELLA general, Proficient Warrior! However,by the amazing power emitted by God, unusual things are apparent..."
— Prologue[excerpt 1]

Leon briefly dies

As a doctor performs tests on Leon, an aggressive Baakdo pressures him to get on with it. Microsoft arrives and has them bring him into a large room where he is dropped down a chute into a large machine and sent into a chamber. It is shown that Chris; Claire and Dehne are already recovering in the tanks after their fight with the Outstanding Ten. Microsoft activates his pod as the others complete the process. They move closer to him as he struggles. Microsoft discovers on a computer scan that he is experiencing complications, and Dehne soon fears he has died.


A revived Leon mutates

Chris watches Leon as he suddenly comes back to life. Breathing heavily in the liquid while wrapping his hands around himself tightly. Microsoft's computer reports traces of the G-Virus in Leon's body, and he begins to transform. The energy released from his transformation totally destroys the chamber, leaving Leon kneeling on the floor. His arms begin to take on more claw-like forms, but a calming down returns him to his normal human body. Soon after Leon's recovery, Inzaghi condemns the B.H.S.T. in a live television interview.


100 meter tall Licker HKs

A B.H.S.T. team consisting of Leon; Baakdo and Microsoft fly over the Great Wall of China, where they see a group of people pray at an alter near the wall while a Tyrannosaurus[note 1] roams the forests. Hovering over the forest, the three descend through a layer of red clouds. Moving through the forest, they reach a clearing and discover two enormous Licker HKs.

"100+ meter long hunters; agile Archer Mechs; flying G bacterial organisms, there are absolutely shocking figures. The next issue will be unfolding in front!"
— Advertisement for next issue[excerpt 2]




  1. The creature is referred to literally as "暴君龍" ("Bàojūn lóng" - "Tyrant dragon")
  1. Excerpt from pages 2-3:
    Chinese: 一個本是繁華的小島,自UMBRELLA集團的入侵,已變得一片愁雲惨霧……這間國際藥廠早在多年前已經從事恐佈活動,謀殺,私賣生化武器,在各地製造戰爭……LEON,正是其中一名受害者,他的父親就是UMBRELLA集團所謀殺……但現在LEON父親竟重現世上,而且更是UMBRELLA猛將——精危戰將!但從GOD所發出驚人的威力,顯見事非尋常……; Pinyin: Yīgè běn shì fánhuá de xiǎodǎo, zì UMBRELLA jítuán de rùqīn, yǐ biàn dé yīpiàn chóuyún cǎn wù……zhè jiān guójì yào chǎng zǎo zài duōnián qián yǐjīng cóngshì kǒng bù huódòng, móushā, sī mài shēnghuà wǔqì, zài gèdì zhìzào zhànzhēng…… LEON, zhèng shì qízhōng yī míng shòuhài zhě, tā de fùqīn jiùshì UMBRELLA jítuán suǒ móushā……dàn xiànzài LEON fùqīn jìng chóng xiàn shìshàng, érqiě gèng shì UMBRELLA měngjiàng——jīng wēi zhàn jiāng!Dàn cóng GOD suǒ fāchū jīngrén de wēilì, xiǎn jiànshì fēi xúncháng……
  2. Excerpt from page 33:
    Chinese: 超過一百米長的獵殺者,身手敏捷的機甲攻兵,會飛的G細菌的生物,還有絕對令人震驚的人物,下期將會一一展現眼前!; Pinyin: Chāoguò yībǎi mǐzhǎng de liè shā zhě, shēnshǒu mǐnjié de jījiǎ gōng bīng, huì fēi de G xìjùn de shēngwù, hái yǒu juéduì lìng rén zhènjīng de rénwù, xiàqī jiāng huì yīyī zhǎnxiàn yǎnqián!
  1. BIOHAZARD 2 Hong Kong Comic Vol.29. Resident Evil Collectors. Retrieved on 2012-11-03.