Resident Evil Wiki
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Prime universe
(Capcom's primary storyline)
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Chimera (キメラ kimera?) was a bio-weapon product developed by the Umbrella Corporation, manufactured in the Arklay Laboratory sometime before May 1998. It was a human-fly hybrid, named after a monster of Greek mythology, itself a combination of different animals.[2][excerpt 1]




Umbrella began using their newly developed t-Virus strains on animals soon after their founding. However, they were met with problems with their practicality, such as a lack of intelligence or insufficient strength increases which eliminated the Web Spinner as a reliable weapon. In its place, the Chimera project was started, which intended to graft insect DNA into human embryos. Homeless women were abducted by Umbrella agents and forcibly impregnated with the modified embryos. Out of various insect-human hybrids that were envisioned as bioweapons, it was a fly-human hybrid that was chosen for continued study. It was subsequently cloned to produce identical bioweapons.[3][excerpt 2]


Due to their many flaws, further research into more advanced forms was never conducted, and the Chimera's basic form was never refined to the lengths of the Hunter or the Tyrant.

Several Chimeras were encountered by the S.T.A.R.S. members during the Mansion Incident.[4] In addition, Albert Wesker, shortly after regaining consciousness after the Tyrant "killed" him, encountered a Chimera while attempting to escape, only to effortlessly kill it with a single kick due to his newfound superhuman abilities.[5]

Still, Umbrella continued at least a limited production of Chimeras in other facilities for a number of years, as several were discovered during Chris and Jill's raid on their Caucasus Laboratory, as well as during Wesker's own raid on the facility.[6] Despite their shortcomings as bio-weapons, the Chimera have found their way onto the black market to some extent, as they were encountered in the early 2010s by the BSAA during a bioterrorist attack on a shopping mall in the United States.[7]



  1. Excerpt from Official Navigation Book, p.102: "人間をベースに、 tーウィルスによる遺伝子構造の変化および、 他の生物の遺伝子情報を組合せて生産されたB.O.W.。 その外観は、 この生物を作った研究者を呪いたいほどにおぞましい。 まさにギリシャ神話に登場するキメラ(ライオンの頭部、 ヤギの胴体、 ベビの尾を持つ怪物) の名にふされしい。 脚が多いことから、 昆虫もしくは多足類の遺遺伝子情報が作用していると思われるが、 いずれにしろその俊敏な動き、 カマのように発達した爪は驚異だ。 薄暗い場所を好み、 通風孔に入け込んで移動し、 数匹で獲物を襲うことも多い。 獲物を見つけると、 巨大な爪を振りかざして攻撃する。".
  2. Excerpt from Inside of BIO-HAZARD, p.55: "B.O.W.開発プロジェクトの一環として、 計画中期から、 頻繁に複数の生物の遺伝子の合成が行なわれた。 個々の生物が持つ特性を組み合わせ、 さらに優れた能力を持つ別の生物を作りだすことに成功したのである。 本来なら遺伝子レベルにおいての異種族の生物の結合は、 ことに高等生物になるほど不安定になるのだが、 異常な進化を促すクレイウイルスの助けを借りて、 神の偉業を可能にしたのだ。 ギリシャ神話に登場する、 獅子と山羊と竜の頭を持った合成生物キメラになぞらえて命名されたこのB.O.W.キメラもその産物である。 人工受精させた人間の卵子に、 昆虫の(この場合はハエ) 遺伝子構造をコピーし、 それを人間の女性の胎内に戻して成長させ出産させるという少々狂気的な方法で製造された。 産まれたプロトタイプは人間とハエの特徴を併せ持ち、 ハエの成長サイクルと同じスピードで急成長し、 羽化後に成体となった。"
  1. 1.0 1.1 Takeo (ed.), Inside of BIO-HAZARD, p.54.
  2. biohazard Official Navigation Book, p.102.
  3. Takeo (ed.), Inside of BIO-HAZARD, p.55.
  4. Resident Evil (2002).
  5. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (2007), level: "Rebirth 1".
  6. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (2007), level: "Umbrella's End 2".
  7. Resident Evil, Vol. 1: The Marhawa Desire (2012), chapter: "Special episode: Merah Biji".