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BSAA Remote Desktop - bankruptcy news

News about Umbrella's bankruptcy (Japanese: UMBRELLA倒産に関するNEWS) is an article found on the BSAA Remote Desktop detailing the collapse of the Umbrella Corporation's Japanese branch.[1]


Pharmaceutical company Umbrella Japan to dissolve.

Subjected to the bankruptcy of the global pharmaceutical corporation, Umbrella, the Japanese corporation, "Umbrella Japan" (Headquarters: Tokyo) has announced the dissolution of the company and has entered liquidation proceedings.

The company was established in 1984 as Umbrella Japan. It was going to only import and sell chemicals that had been developed in the United States at the time of establishment; in 1987, construction began on the Umbrella Japan Laboratory. The company was taking advantage of its strengths in biotechnology and was advancing in its own research and development of products.

However, the cause is Umbrella's stock market crash starting with the "Raccoon City tragedy". Recent years helped damage the reputation, and sales have been sluggish. Because of the number of lawsuits relating to the Raccoon City tragedy Umbrella Headquarters was entirely on the losing end, and headquarters went bankrupt. The company is a Japanese corporation which had been looking to take-off; because domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies, as well as companies in other industries, did not show interest, it was decided to dissolve the company.

Excerpt from a certain morning newspaper - March 15, 2004


世界的製薬企業である「アンブレラ」の倒産を受け、 日本法人である「アンブレラ・ジャパン(株)」(本社:東京)は、 会社の解散を発表、清算手続きに入った。

当社の強みであるバイオテクノロジーを活かし、 独自の研究、製品の開発を進めていた。

近年は風評被害も手伝い、 売り上げが低迷していた。
ラクーンシティの惨劇に関する数ヶの訴訟がアンブレラ本社の全面敗訴に終ったため、 本社が倒産。
日本法人である当社は、 引き取り先を探していたが、 国内外の製薬会社だけではなく、 他業種の企業も興味を示さなかったため、 会社解散に踏み切った。

2004年3月15日 某新聞朝刊より抜粋

  1. BSAA (Japanese). Archived from the original on 2016-01-21-18. Retrieved on 2024-03-04.