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Resident Evil Wiki

For other similarly-named rooms, see Library.

The Library (図書室 tosho-shitsu?) is an area of the Umbrella Executive Training School.


The library provided the training school students with resources on biology and chemistry. Computer equipment was used in the room for database searches, and may have been upgraded into the 1980s. The equipment was used briefly by an Umbrella team sent to investigate the building for re-opening.


The Crank Handle is used here to allow the lift to be used. Using the lift as Billy will cause a scene to play where he turns the handle to lift Rebecca up. Gameplay resumes with the player controlling Rebecca in the Clock machine room. Microfilm A can be recovered from this room, against the door to the archives. An Ink ribbon can be found at the south-west corner of the room. In the centre is a map of the training school.[1]


Location Localization Original script
Northwest computer This computer was probably used for database searches, but it's covered with dust now. 検索用のパソコンだろうか 埃が溜まっている
The candle The candle is burnt out. 灯りの消えたロウソクがある
The door to the Archives while it is locked (view close up of door and locked door sound) It's locked. カギが掛かっている
The old man painting (view close up of painting) The old man is holding a candle in his hand. "This light will guide you to a greater truth···" 老人が炎を手にしている “この灯りがあなたの知識の灯火にならん事を…”
The west bookshelf The books on this shelf are compact, but they're all full of technical jargon. コンパクトなサイズだが内容は専門的な本ばかりだ
The computer near west book shelf Someone has evidently used this computer recently. It doesn't seem to be working anymore, though. 最近誰かが触れた形跡があるが起動できそうな気配はない
The ladder This stepladder is even less stable than it looks. You'd probably end up breaking your neck if you tried to climb it. 見た目以上に朽ちているようだ 登るのは危険だろう
Middle shelf The bookshelf contains an extensive variety of books. Most of them have to do with biology and chemistry. 多種の本が並んでいる 生物や化学に関する本が多い
East shelf The bookshelf contains a wide selection of books. There doesn't seem to be anything of interest. 様々な種類の本が並んでいる 特に気になるものはない
The switch without the handle It's a winch control for a lift. There's a square-shaped hole in the panel. 古びたリフト操作盤だ 四角い穴が空いている
The switch with the handle while no one is on the platform The lift looks usable. But you'll need someone to get onto it first. リフトを動かせそうだ 誰かを乗せないと意味がない
The switch with the handle while someone is on the platform Use the lift? (Choice: Yes / No) リフトを移動させますか? Yes / No
Attempting to use the lift while Billy is on it It doesn't look like Rebecca can use it. レベッカでは動かせそうにない
The lift after it has been used The lift seems to have broken on its way up. It's no longer of any use. リフトは上がりきったところで壊れてしまったようだ これ以上動かせそうにない




  1. Hamamura (ed.), KAITAISHINSHO, p.288.