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Yasuhisa Kawamura was interviewed ahead of the 2000 release of the Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Dreamcast port.[1][2]


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This is an interview with the "BIOHAZARD 3 LAST ESCAPE" Dreamcast development team. The second to appear this time is Yasuhisa Kawamura, Production Studio 4 planner. We'll talk about the characters.

· A lot of costumes are available in BIO 3. What was the criteria for choosing?

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Kawamura: It was certainly scrutinised heavily by the director, Aoyama. I think you can enjoy Jill in a way you don't normally see.

· Tell us, who is your favourite character in BIO3 and why?

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Kawamura: This is the very difficult question.
Speaking by force as their own, none trio mercenary might fondness. Since Depending on the branch has set the event to allow or hear or see is unexpected real intention of their person, please complete the play in various routes.
I do not have to after dominating, but uncle Dario Rosso at the beginning (Mr. actor's) voice acting is hot! By the way, he is the voice of the "Pursuer" along with Dario.

· boss give me the money in Mercenaries was, I ask you to be the umbrella of parties, please tell me more about him.

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Kawamura: The Mercenaries Let's reveal the true setting.
In fact, in the secret pay-per-view of membership that umbrella is aired and Mercenaries (pay program broadcast), very limited nobles and high-ranking official, I only millionaire is popular entertainment program of the possible back world viewing.
Man of mystery that gives instructions and rewards to mercenaries in the program of the producer and host, is fully live satellite relay depending on the state of mercenaries high performance microphone attached to the monitor and the mercenaries monitoring personnel to install (with a small bomb) .
Time that is displayed on the screen in the time display to broadcast the mercenaries, it will be added to the real-time audience of support rate (audience rating). The mercenaries fight hero, loudly to defeat the enemy, touching the rescued civilians and colleagues, if brilliant Dassure the crisis the minute airtime will be extended.
Well support collected, remuneration in accordance with the audience rating is given if possible goal in airtime, mercenaries will be free.
Mercenary that does not earn the audience of support rate is switched the camera along with the time-out, the same is why that would also aborted its life at the same time.

· Please tell us the scene that is impressive in Resident Evil 3.

Kawamura: a number of events, but the scene is the impressive respectively, still or would not be particularly impressive is the last of Raccoon City in the climax. Unexpectedly Oh said scene, such as show in the movie game also movie is also one that does not exist, I think there is a very impressive even only seen as a pure image and not only as the scene decorate the last story.

· Tell me a little bit about the sequel of Jill after the escape of Raccoon City.

Kawamura: Jill will be that in the end in order to settle with the umbrella and across Europe. For more information you can not talk about here. Because you get the file that describes the sequel when you clear "3", Have fun in there.

Please tell me if there is such a sequel of "3", with respect to sub character, such as Barry and Hunk.

Kawamura: here likewise, the state has been drawn in the "sequel file" obtained to clear the 3. You need to clear several times, but please take a look at the file by all means at your own your power.
you can see a total of eight epilogues, Although eight clear is extremely difficult, but please try your best in such cooperation with friends.

Next time, we will deliver continued Kawamura Yasuhisa interview.
Please look forward to.

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interview to the development staff of the Dreamcast version of "Resident Evil 3 LAST ESCAPE". For the third appearance we have Yasuhisa Kawamura, lead planner for Production Studio 4.

· Please tell us what the relationship is between Nemesis and Tyrant.

Kawamura: Pursuer is made by Umbrella Europe, Tyrant is a bioweapon made by Umbrella America. Although they are the same company, competition is developing between branches. In the development of bioweapon soldiers (human-based bioweapons), the Americans, who possessed the genius Dr. William Birkin, was always a step ahead. The European Umbrella branch officers felt unconfortable and united, researching one original concept after another. Finally, the Europe No. 6 Laboratory succeeded in developing a "bioweapon to strengthen bioweapons". That is the "Nemesis Parasite". Nemesis parasitised a Tyrant, and the Pursuer was trained by the European branch. Despite its elegance as a weapon, it cannot become a commodity. At present stage Pursuer will only be an experimental weapon.

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In - "3", new enemies have appeared in a large number, such as Hunter γ and DD, but please tell me if there are B.O.W.s that were scrapped in the stage of development.

Kawamura: biological weapons from previous work appeared but were scrapped in the middle of the development. Biological weapons of bio-3, during the experiment is the (Pursuer, hunter γ), mutants that all except the retail version of biological weapons that has been turned on in order to take the combat data (Hunter β) occurs in irregular (zombie, Brain Sucker, D.D, Grave Digger, etc.). Neptune and chimera are an example of biological weapons that were abandoned in the middle of the development and did not appear.

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What are your favorite B.O.W.s ?

Kawamura: I'm forced to say I like Hunter γ. Though it can swallow me whole, I don't hate it.

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(?) · But attractive called "tracker" enemy character has appeared, please tell me that you are committed in helping the character Mei King.

Kawamura: Again in humans also biological weapons, the character of the concept (simple) and to have, somewhere one or two design, the game basis "with interest" in place and that think about the visual Why not.
The sides will continue to elaborated commitment each character designer, model and Characterization Man of sticking to make a motion, planning of commitment preside over the configuration and strategy, while war every day with each other hit each other all attention soft Man Crossed program .

What is the best for the Kawamura's "fear"? (It is also well enough that it is not related to the game)

Kawamura: "You scenarios, ... Na's not good enough" and be Tweeted to the boss. Boss "So you can'm not Mote to the woman," that is said as a matter of course and.

· Message to give to the fans.

Kawamura: I'm a zombie was the hate to make this work. Thing in everyone horror and cruelty would be there was one that I hate. But spicy so that there is a back to the deep flavor of its pungency if Mire also taste cuisine, has also games that look scary is difficult biohazard and included a lot of flavor to the back. At first glance, it is the hand of out difficult genre of games, but please try to somehow once play before making any shunned. If me digests "This is horror, this is a bio whether!" I think that you are aware of its taste. I like will love zombie movies thanks to biotechnology, now it has grown into a strong Han eaten the grilled meat in cold blood while watching the zombies (?).
Everyone to play Resident Evil, mind Let's become a strong man also stomach.

next director Aoyama Kazuhiro appeared. Look forward to.

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ドリームキャスト版「バイオハザード 3 LAST ESCAPE 」の開発スタッフへのインタビュー。 第二回目に登場するのは、第4開発部企画担当・川村泰久。 キャラクターについて話してもらいます。


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川村 ディレクターの青山のさまざまな思惑によって吟味されたものであることは確かです。普段見られない様子のジルをお楽しみいただけると思います。


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川村 とても難しい質問です。
あと活躍はしていませんが、冒頭のおじさんダリオ・ロッソの(声優さんの)演技は熱いです! ちなみに追跡者の声はダリオと一緒の方ですよ。


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川村 ザ・マーシナリーズ真の設定を明かしましょう。


川村 数々のイベントシーンはそれぞれ印象的なのですが、やはりクライマックスでのラクーンシティの最後が特に印象的ではないでしょうか。意外にああいった場面をムービーで見せるようなゲームも映画も存在しないもので、物語の最後を飾るシーンとしてだけではなく純粋な映像として見るだけでも大変見ごたえがあるかと思います。


川村 ジルはアンブレラとの決着をつけるために最終的にはヨーロッパに渡ることになるでしょう。詳しくはここでは語れません。3をクリアした時後日談を記したファイルを取得しますので、そちらをお楽しみに。


川村 こちらも同様に、3をクリアすると得られる「後日談ファイル」にその様子が描かれています。何度かクリアする必要はありますが、ぜひご自分のお力でファイルをご覧になってください。


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ドリームキャスト版「バイオハザード 3 LAST ESCAPE 」の開発スタッフへのインタビュー。 第三回目となる今回は、第4開発部企画担当・川村泰久にB.O.W.について話を聞きます。


川村 追跡者はアンブレラヨーロッパ製、タイラントはアンブレラアメリカ製のバイオウェポンです。同じ企業ですが支部内での開発競争はあり、歩兵型生物兵器(つまり人間の代用品としての生物兵器)の開発においては天才ウィリアム・バーキン博士を擁するアメリカの方が常に一歩リードしていました。それを快く思わないヨーロッパのアンブレラ支社は団結し、独自のコンセプトで研究を重ねました。そしてついにヨーロッパ第6研究所が「生物兵器を強化する生物兵器」の開発に成功します。それが「寄生生物ネメシス」です。 ネメシスはタイラントに寄生させられ、ヨーロッパ支部で訓練と調整を受けて追跡者となりました。なお追跡者はスペック的にはタイラントを大きくしのぎますが、兵器としてのエレガントさがないために商品にはなりえません。あくまで現段階の追跡者は実験的な生物兵器なのです。 Dcbio3 website - 03 photo1 Dcbio3 website - 03 photo2 ・『3』では、ハンターγやDDなど、新種の敵が多数登場していますが、開発の段階でボツになったB.O.W.がいれば教えて下さい。

川村 前作までは開発途中で没になった生物兵器は登場します。ネプチューンやキメラがその例です。バイオ3では実験中の生物兵器(追跡者、ハンターγ)、実戦データを採るために投入された製品版の生物兵器(ハンターβ)以外は全てイレギュラーで発生した突然変異体です(ゾンビ、ブレインサッカー、D.D、グレイブディガーなど)。開発途中で放棄された生物兵器は登場していません。

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川村 強いて言えばハンターγが好きです。丸呑みされるけど、なぜか憎めないですよね。

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川村 やはり人間でも生物兵器でも、キャラクターのコンセプトを(単純に)もつことと、どこかひとつやふたつはデザイン的、ゲーム的な「見所を持つ」ビジュアルを考えるというところではないでしょうか。 その辺はそれぞれのキャラクターデザイナーのこだわり、モデルとモーションを作るキャラマンのこだわり、設定と戦略を取り仕切る企画のこだわり、プログラムを組むソフトマンのこだわり全てをお互いぶつけ合って日々戦争しながら練り上げていきます。


川村 上司に「お前のシナリオ、イマイチだな・・・」とつぶやかれること。上司に「だからお前は女にモテないんだよ」と当たり前のようにいわれること。


川村 わたしはこの仕事をするまでゾンビが大嫌いでした。みなさんの中にもホラーや残酷ものが大嫌いという方が居られるでしょう。しかし激辛料理も味わってみればその辛味の奥に深い味わいがあるように、一見恐くて難しいバイオハザードというゲームもその奥には多くのうまみを内包しています。一見、手の出にくいジャンルのゲームですが、敬遠なさる前にどうか一度プレイしてみてください。 こなれてくれば「これがホラー、これがバイオなのか!」とその美味しさに気づいていただけると思います。わたしなどはバイオのおかげでゾンビ映画が大好きになり、今ではゾンビを見ながら平気で焼肉を食べられる強い漢(?)に成長しました。 みなさんもバイオハザードをプレイして、心もお腹も強い人間になりましょう。



