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Luis' Memo 2 (Ruisu no memo 2 ルイスのメモ2) is a file in Resident Evil 4.



Luis' Memo

The first castellan buried the Las Plagas deep underground below the castle to hide their very existence. But when Salazar released the Las Plagas, no one thought he could bring them back to life. Because when Salazar found them they were all just fossilized remains.

Everyone knew that the parasitic organisms could not survive without their hosts. That they couldn't sustain life on their own. But when Salazar and his men excavated the remains, it almost appeared as if the Las Plagas were just waiting to be discovered so that they could resurrect.

Several years later, unexplainable convulsions started occurring among the villagers who helped with the excavation of the Las Plagas.

Then one day, all of a sudden, these villagers turned into violent savages.

They later found out it was caused by the Las Plagas. Although they appeared fossilized, they were able to survive the long years by lying in a dormant state at the cellular level remaining in a spore-like form.

Apparently during the excavation, the villagers inhaled the spores and within their bodies the parasites became active again. This is how the Las Plagas were resurrected.

Even as I'm writing, the excavation of the Las Plagas continues.

God only knows how many of these Plagas have been resurrected. Not to mention the countless number of Ganados that have been created.

Their inhumane activity must be put to an end. If they are not stopped, people around the world could turn into victims of this crazy cult organization.

ルイスのメモ 2






実は発掘当時、成体だった「プラーガ」はミイラ化していたが、幼体だったものは、微細な胞子となって休眠状態のまま生存していたのだ。 村人は発掘作業の中で、乾燥した胞子を吸い込み、その体内で胞子を蘇生させてしまっていた。






This is the second of Luis Sera's memos showing how Salazar ordered an excavation into the caves where the Las Plagas were lying dormant for centuries. Normally the parasites would not survive without a host, but some of the villagers inhaled the spores and became bloodthirsty savages thus the origins of the Ganados. Luis also fears the Los Illuminados' actions could someday encompass the planet if not stopped.


