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Ada Chapter 3 a level in Resident Evil 6, and the third part of the Ada Story. Ada arrives in Lanshiang and joins what she calls the "Raccoon reunion"; helping out Jake and Sherry and following Chris and Piers, she starts to make her way towards Carla Radames.


Ada follows the Neo Umbrella trail to China, where a bioterror incident dwarfing the recent Tall Oaks attack is occurring. Picking up BSAA transmissions, Ada locks down her imposter's location. On her way, she encounters Sherry from the Raccoon City incident, with Jake Muller in tow. In addition to the young agent Birkin, both Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield are in China as well. Ada muses that the entire affair seems more like a Raccoon City reunion.

Following Chris, Ada infiltrates the Neo Umbrella controlled aircraft carrier, intent on finding her imposter.


{Cutscene start}

Chris: 'HQ, this is Alpha Leader. I need a location on Ada Wong.'

HQ: 'This is HQ! We've got the location for you.'

'Ada Wong has left the city and is heading south for the harbor.'

(Cutscene end)



HQ: Repeat. Ada Wong is...

Ada: They're throwing a party for me, and I'm not even there yet.


Ada: These are the same kind of soldiers I saw in the sub.


Ada: Too bad I can't enjoy a night on the town.


Ada: Chainsaw, huh? How elegant.


Ada: China too now... look at this mess. The whole world's gone mad.


Ada: That wasn't very nice. You shouldn't take things that don't belong to you.


Ada: I didn't come half way around the planet to play games.


Ada: All right, fine. I guess I could spare a few more minutes for you.


Chris: Alpha to HQ! We got a visual on Ada Wong. We're in pursuit!

HQ: This is HQ.

Ada Wong has been spotted moving down the canal.

Charlie and Delta Teams, form a perimeter around Koocheng.

Repeat. Ada Wong has been spotted on the canal.

Ada: Well, guess I'm heading for the canal.

I'm tired of playing cat and mouse.


Ada: Almost there.  

Can't wait to meet this mysterious doppelganger of mine.

Boy,  somebody really wants this world to burn.


{Cutscene start}

Ada: 'Sherry Birkin...'

'And he must be the host of the C-Virus antibody.'

'Looks like they're not alone.'

'Guess the rookies could use some help.'

(Cutscene end)



Ada: I suppose I should return the kindness their parents showed to me.

This is as good a time as any.


Ada: Why is it that nothing stays dead anymore?


Ada: I hope that's the last I have to see of him.

Huh... Wesker junior.

It's not easy working with the good guys, is it?


Ada: Someone's coming back for more.


Ada: These things are so hard to kill.


Ada: I think we've all had enough of you.


Ada: Hope that's all she wrote.

Those two would be in pretty hot water if I wasn't around.


{Cutscene start}

Jake: 'Worst boat ride since the Titanic.'

(Cutscene end)



Ada: Time to save the day again.

Poor little Sherry. How the monsters love to chase you.

{Cutscene start}

Piers: 'This is Piers Nivans!'

'Ada Wong is moving south towards the military port!'

'Advising all personnel to be on the alert!'

Ada: 'It's like a Raccoon City reunion.'

'Catch you two later.'

(Cutscene end)



Ada: Now that's the way to travel.


Chapter 3-1: Tenement - Bin Street[]

Chapter 3-2: Shopping District[]

Chapter 3-3: Train[]

Chapter 3-4: Stilt Housing Area[]


