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Exiting with Carlos"[note 1] is a cutscene in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Next cutscenes play when Jill and Carlos are exiting the building after the encountering Nemesis.

Restaurant versions[]

Nemesis defeated or unconscious[]

Jill: "Wait. I have to ask you something..."

Carlos: "I know. You wanna ask me out. All the foxy ladies love my accent, it drives them crazy."

Jill: "What? Keep dreaming.
Tell me, why did Umbrella send your team in?"

Carlos: "We're here to rescue the civilians."

Jill: "Don't lie to me! Umbrella is the reason why this whole mess began!"

Carlos: "Look, we're just mercenaries, hired hands. Do you really think the master would tell his dogs why they have to retrieve the stick he just threw? If you want answers, you should talk to someone else. I am NOT with Umbrella.

  • If Nemesis wasn't defeated

Carlos: "We'll have to finish this later."

Carlos: "Believe it or not, we're only here to rescue the civilians. If you can trust me, then help us! Think about it!"

Jill: "……聞きたいことがあるわ"

Carlos: "デートの時にでも話すってのは

Jill: "知りたいのはアンブレラが

Carlos: "市民の救助さ"

Jill: "ムシがよすぎるわよ"

Carlos: "おいおい俺らはただの傭兵だぜ


だがな 俺達が民間人の救出を

Nemesis not defeated[]

Jill: "I need to ask you something..."
"Why did Umbrella send your team here?"

Carlos: "Our mission is to rescue the civilians. "

Jill: "How kind of you..."
"Considering Umbrella caused all this in the first place, those liars."

Carlos: "Look, we're just mercenaries - hired hands."
"No time for talking."
"If you can believe me, then join us. Think about it!"

Jill: "……聞きたいことがあるわ"

Carlos: "任務は市民の救難さ"

Jill: "ムシがよすぎるわよ"

Carlos: "あのなぁ 俺はただの傭兵なんだぜ?"
"くそ 立ち話してる場合じゃねぇ"
"信じる気になったら合流しろ! よく考えるんだ!"

Press Office versions[]

Backdoor or main entrance exit when Nemesis is defeated[]

Jill: "Wait. I have to ask you something..."

Carlos: "I know. You wanna ask me out. All the foxy ladies love my accent, it drives them crazy."

Jill: "I have to know, why did Umbrella send you here?"

Carlos: "Because, we're on a civilian rescue mission."

Jill: "Oh, you're full of it! They're the ones who caused all this in the first place!"

Carlos: "Look, we're just mercenaries, hired hands. Do you really think the master would tell his dogs why they have to retrieve the stick he just threw? Listen, If you want answers about Umbrella, you're asking the wrong guy.
Believe it or not, we are here to rescue the civilians. If you can trust me, join us. Think about it."

Jill: "……聞きたいことがあるの"

Carlos: "デートの時にでも話すってのは

Jill: "アンブレラから送り込まれた目的は?

Carlos: "市民の救助さ"

Jill: "ムシがよすぎるわよ"

Carlos: "おいおい俺らはただの傭兵だぜ
だがな 俺達が民間人の救出を

Main entrance exit; Nemesis not defeated[]

Jill: "I need to ask you something..."
"Why did Umbrella send your team here?"

Carlos: "Our mission is to rescue the civilians. "

Jill: "How kind of you..."
"Considering Umbrella caused all this in the first place, those liars."

Carlos: "Look, we're just mercenaries, hired hands. Do you really think the master would tell his dogs why they have to retrieve the stick he just threw?
"No time for talking."
"If you can believe me, then join us. Think about it!"

Jill: "……聞きたいことがあるわ"

Carlos: "任務は市民の救難さ"

Jill: "ムシがよすぎるわよ"

Carlos: "おいおい俺らはただの傭兵だぜ
"くそ 立ち話してる場合じゃねぇ"
"信じる気になったら合流しろ! よく考えるんだ!"


  1. All cutscene names for this game on the Wiki are tentative only.