Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki

Silence is golden for David is an article in Resident Evil Recollections. It was uploaded on 26 December 2016.[1]


Every guy has dreamed at least once of being the "silent guy", and David sure fits the bill.

A plumber by trade, in the Resident Evil Outbreak series he uses his unique item, the Tool Belt, to create and repair weapons. He also has a powerful knife combo attack which allows him to slash up to three times in a row, making him particularly useful seeing as how scarce ammo is in the game.

The catch is that the attack button must be pushed with the correct timing in order to pull the knife combo off; simply mashing the button won't work, and often leads to being torn apart by enemies, something many of you will no doubt be familiar with.

Also I know I'm not the only one who spammed the ad-lib button just to make this supposedly quiet guy a loudmouth...


  1. Silence is golden for David. RE.NET. Retrieved on 2022-05-25.