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Wasn't Rebecca a rookie when she joined STARS which in turn is another SWAT like unit....(Francis.conway1 15:42, August 17, 2010 (UTC))

S.T.A.R.S. is NOT a S.W.A.T. like unit. It is nothing like S.W.A.T. at all in general. S.T.A.R.S. was a team comprised of specialists in particular fields from mostly ex-military and law enforcement backgrounds. Rebecca was chosen for her skills in chemistry, just as Jill was recruited for her skills in bomb disposal and lock-picking, Chris for his marksmanship, CQC and piloting ability, Barry for his weapons expertise and so on and so forth. S.W.A.T. is a unit comprised of the most highly trained police officers within a given department. Leon literally just graduated from the police academy (which Rebecca never attended either). No police department in the world would recruit an officer into S.W.A.T. straight out of the academy.
It is confirmed that the uniform Leon and Kevin wear is a newly-issued armoured uniform released among the R.P.D. in response to the rising crime rate in the city just before the outbreak.--News Bot 15:50, August 17, 2010 (UTC)
Special Tactics, and if I can remember STARS has these words in it special tactics and rescue service...If you check SWAT it also has these words, special weapons and tactics and both of these teams act like a counter terrorist force,STARS fits the description perfectly.Why do you think they've replaced STARS with the RPD SWAT, they needed another unit capable of hostage rescue, armed response, and that could use Special Tactics to complete their mission.--Francis.conway1 16:52, August 17, 2010 (UTC)
I wasn't talking about how the unit actually operates, I was talking about their differences in role, membership and layout.--News Bot 16:58, August 17, 2010 (UTC)
Well their roles (RPD SWAT-STARS) are pretty much the same, they both act as the RPD's Emergency response team and as Counter terrorist forces, as for Kevin and Leon I've changed my mind since not everyone in the Military where I work has the same load out, some of us have new equipment while others don't, they are probably just police officers after all plus you stated that it has been confirmed the why are they different reason seems legit enough to me.If you actually think about it many things in Resident Evil aren't true to real life, such as the Military not having M9s as their standard issue sidearms and such.Francis.conway1 17:10, August 17, 2010 (UTC)

I was wondering if people could add some more of the vehicles from the later games?
